做好职教宣传工作 引领学生人生出彩——关于“职教进校园”专题宣传活动中的问题与对策

来源 :安徽教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfm888
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2014年6月,国务院召开了全国职业教育工作会议,中共中央总书记习近平作出重要指示,引起全社会对职业教育的极大关注。如何引导初中毕业生理性选择高中阶段教育,实现普职比例大体相当的目标,各地近年来开展的“职业教育进校园”专题宣传活动是一种有益的尝 In June 2014, the State Council held a national work conference on vocational education and Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made an important directive, arousing great concern of the whole society to vocational education. How to guide junior high school graduates to rationally choose middle school education and achieve the goal of roughly equal proportion of universal education? The “” vocational education into the campus "special propaganda activities carried out in various places in recent years is a beneficial taste
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