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现阶段,改革进一步深化,经济呈现高速发展的状态,建筑行业随之获得很好的发展,但是相应的建筑项目管理却依然发展缓慢。所以,我们必须加强项目管理,增强企业的竞争实力。在建筑企业进行项目管理中资金管控管理的重点内容。对于建筑施工企业,资金是保障其正常运行的基础。由此,建筑施工企业必须加强企业的资金管控。本文对建筑施工各个环节的资金管控进行分析,然后根据相关问题提出合理的完善措施,进而促进企业的资金管控效率的提升,推动经济的顺利发展。 At this stage, the reform deepens further and the economy shows rapid development. As a result, the construction industry has enjoyed a good development. However, the corresponding construction project management is still developing slowly. Therefore, we must strengthen project management and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Project management in construction enterprises in the management of funds control the key elements. For construction enterprises, capital is to ensure the normal operation of the foundation. As a result, the construction enterprises must strengthen the control of enterprises funds. This article analyzes the fund management and control of all aspects of construction, and then puts forward reasonable measures to improve the efficiency of capital management and control according to relevant issues, thus promoting the smooth development of economy.
<正> 一提起沙汀的创作,人们自然想起《在其香居茶馆量》《淘金记》等名篇,脑海里浮现出么吵吵,方治国、林么长子、白酱丹这一系列讽刺性形象。确实,三、四十年代,沙汀同志独