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中国外国文学学会英语文学研究分会第二届专题研讨会拟于2012年11月16-18日在广州召开。此次高端研讨会由中国外国文学学会英语文学研究分会主办,暨南大学外国语学院承办。会议主题:英语文学研究与中国:当代视角主要议题包括:(1)中国语境下的英语文学研究趋势;(2)英语文学中的中国元素;(3)英语文学的文化研究;(4)英语文学的汉译与传播现状;(5)当代文学研究之理论动态;(6)英语文学族裔研究。 The 2nd Symposium of English Literature Research Branch of Chinese Foreign Literature Society is planned to be held in Guangzhou on November 16-18, 2012. The high-end seminar by the Chinese Foreign Literature Institute of English Literature Research Branch, Jinan University Foreign Language Institute. Conference Themes: English Literary Studies and China: Contemporary Perspectives Main topics include: (1) Trend of English Literature Studies in Chinese Context; (2) Chinese Elements in English Literature; (3) Cultural Studies of English Literature; (4) The current situation of the translation and dissemination of English literature; (5) the theoretical development of contemporary literature; (6) the study of the ethnography of English literature.
With the acceleration of the urbanization and industrialization of China, it is inevitable that cultivated land converts to built-up land for industrial, commer
目的 观察胰腺超微结构的增龄变化及胰岛的分布.方法 幼年、青年、老年SD大鼠各10只,每只取胰头、体、尾行光镜和透射电镜观察.结果 老年鼠胰腺外分泌部的腺细胞线粒体脱嵴肿
将 CI 战略导入科技期刊社,通过行为识别(BⅠ)和视觉识别(Ⅵ)传达期刊的理念,树立杂志的品牌形象,使期刊在市场角逐中占领领先优势。 The CI strategy was introduced into
文章就作者是科技期刊赖以生存的基础及审稿人是科技期刊的质量保证方面,发表自己粗浅的认识和看法。 Article on the author is the basis for the survival of sci-tech p
The glacier on the Yulong Mountain is one of the most important attractions in Lijiang, Yunnan,China. But it keeps retreating these years due to global warming,
于2009年9月和2010年5月,在朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)重要游荡区之一的湑水河下游城固段,对食物丰富度进行了调查.将湑水河城固段约30 km长的河道分成上段、中段和下段,并随机选