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例1:女,25岁,农民。因左侧上下肢麻木无力、膝盖疼痛于1986年5月24日步行本院外科就诊。查血沉16毫米/时,初诊为风湿性关节炎。采用强的松、炎痛喜康治疗,15小时后视力模糊、左侧肢体活动不便、不能站立。检查:体温38.7℃,脉搏78次/分,呼吸24次/分,血压140/90mmHg。神志恍惚,烦躁不安,呼吸急粗,皮肤粘膜未见黄染,双下肢有片状出血斑,浅表淋巴结无 Example 1: Female, 25 years old, farmer. Due to the left upper limb numbness weakness, knee pain in May 24, 1986 walking hospital surgery. Check the ESR 16 mm / h, newly diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. The use of prednisone, inflammatory pain Kikuang treatment, 15 hours after the blurred vision, left limb activity inconvenience, can not stand. Check: body temperature 38.7 ℃, pulse 78 beats / min, breathing 24 beats / min, blood pressure 140 / 90mmHg. Conscious trance, irritability, rapid breathing, skin and mucous membrane no yellow dye, both lower extremity flaky bleed spots, superficial lymph nodes