The drama “Heroic Train”, a drama recently created and performed by the Experimental Drama Theater of the Central Academy of Drama, vividly portrays a legendary news event in our new social life; it is also like a sketch, clearly outlined The lovely portraits of a group of ordinary workers make us feel the warmth of the socialist family in the theater and make us love the party more and love socialism. This is based on the story of a live-action story on the Beijing-Shenyang railway last year. Many people may know this news, but the show that is now on stage still attracts strong interest. As soon as the curtain opened, the stage artist designed the interior of a train compartment uniquely - a train is opening to Beijing. There are ministers, captains of the People’s Liberation Army, laborers, buyers, college students, athletes, as well as the elders and eldest aunt in the people’s communes. Some of them in order to attend an important meeting, some in order to participate in a new construction, and some in order to participate in a sports competition, and some in order to visit a long time away from their loved ones,