楚门文旦成年结果树多为一年一次开花结果。但在树势衰弱,营养生理失调以及不良的环境条件影响下,也会出现一年多次开花结果的现象。1985年7月发生的强台风和暴雨袭击,造成文旦大量落果落叶,不少文旦第三次开花,结果累累。笔者从1983年春到1986年春,在楚门区山外张村等地对楚门文旦各次花果发育情况及其对次年生长结果的影响进行了观察。 第一次花果期:3月中下旬现蕾,4月中下旬含苞,5月初始花,花期约20天,5月底至6月底为生理落果期,7月上中旬定果,7月中旬至8月下旬为果实迅速膨大期,9月中旬至10月上旬为果皮着色期,10
Chu Mengyu adult results mostly tree annual flowering results. However, under the influence of the weakening of trees, the imbalance of vegetative physiology and poor environmental conditions, the phenomenon of flowering many times a year will also occur. The strong typhoon and torrential rains that took place in July 1985 caused a large number of deciduous deciduous Verbena fruit, and many of the Verbena bloomed for the third time with so many results. The author from the spring of 1983 to the spring of 1986, in the village outside the village of Chumen Zhang Zhangcun and other places on the development of the fruit and the development of the next year, the results were observed. The first flowering stage: budding in mid-to-late March, budding in mid to late April, initial flowering in May, flowering for about 20 days, end of May to the end of June for physiological decolonization, fruiting in mid July and mid-July To late August for the rapid expansion of the fruit period, mid-September to early October for the peel coloring period, 10