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当前,对于葡萄(Vitis vinifera)新梢中水分在不同器官与组织间运输途径的研究鲜有报道,本文以八年生‘霞多丽’(‘Chardonnay’)葡萄为实验材料,采用染料示踪法观察葡萄新梢中水分运输途径及关联组织结构。结果表明,在水分沿新梢纵向运输过程中,各器官的水势大小影响着水分在各器官中的运输与分配,同一节位上葡萄果穗水势最高,其次为叶片,副梢水势最低;新梢不同节位叶片水势和气孔导度都存在差异,从新梢基部到顶端所保留的11片叶中,从基部第1叶到第6叶水势逐渐减小,第6叶水势值最低,但从第6叶到顶端第11叶水势有小幅增加,而叶片气孔导度从基部到顶端则呈先增加后下降趋势;从不同节位叶柄的染色率来看,随着水分沿新梢纵向往上运输,从基部到顶端叶片,叶柄染色率下降;从各器官与新梢的水分联系途径来看,叶柄与新梢间通过4~9条从新梢木质部分离出来的维管束(叶迹)相联系,而卷须、果柄和副梢等器官与新梢间维管束连成一体,在节处出现分支通向以上器官,尽管果实与果柄存在木质部运输通道,但在果实发育的第二次快速生长期,只在果刷与果肉细胞相连的维管束中观察到染料分布,与此同时,冬芽处于独立状态,与新梢无木质部相连。因此,新梢着生的各器官与新梢间的水分运输途径存在差异,水分在各器官的运转与分配规律受到运转途径解剖结构的制约,同时,维持各器官水分平衡关系和生理活动需水也调控着新梢水分在各器官的运输与分配。 At present, little research has been reported on the transport of water in different shoots and tissues in shoots of Vitis vinifera. In this study, eight-year-old ’Chardonnay’ grapes were used as experimental materials, Observed the new shoots in the water transport pathways and related organizational structure. The results showed that during the longitudinal transport of water along the shoots, the water potential of each organ affected the transport and distribution of water in the organs. The water potential of the grape in the same node was the highest, followed by the leaves and the water potential of the shoots was the lowest. The leaf water potential and stomatal conductance differed at different nodes. From the base of the shoot to the top of the 11 leaves, the water potential gradually decreased from the first leaf to the sixth leaf at the base, and the water potential at the sixth leaf was the lowest. However, From the sixth leaf to the top, the water potential of the 11th leaf increased slightly while the stomatal conductance of the leaf increased firstly and then decreased from the base to the top. From the staining rate of petiole at different leaf nodes, Transport, from the base to the top of the leaves, petiole staining decreased; from the organ and shoots of water contact point of view, the petiole and shoot through 4-9 branches from the shoot woody vascular bundle (leaf trace) phase , While organs such as tendrils, fruit stalks and adventitious shoots are integrated with the vascular bundles in the shoots. Branches at the nodes lead to the above organs. Although there are xylem transport channels between fruit and stalk, Rapid growth period, only in fruit brushes and pulp cells Vascular observed even distribution of the dye, at the same time, in an independent state buds, shoots and xylem not connected. Therefore, the new shoots of the organs and shoots of the water transport between the different ways, the movement of water in various organs and distribution rules by the operation of the anatomy of the constraints, at the same time, to maintain the moisture balance of organs and physiological activities required water Also regulate the shoots moisture in the transport and distribution of various organs.
摘 要:景观设计是人们日常比较常见的一种艺术形式,这也是一个融合性相对较强,包含人文、自然在其中的学科类型。园林景观设计主要以视觉角度为出发点而进行的一种艺术创作。不仅可以给人带来美的享受,同时还可以将内涵丰富的文化特点融入到其中,别有韵味。本文中笔者主要对园林景观设计中的地域文化展开论述和分析,仅供参考。  关键词:园林景观;设计;地域文化;渗透;研究  一、园林景观设计与地域文化之间的关系  
幼儿发烧往往令父母非常担心,如果再出现全身痉挛反应,如手脚抽搐、意识不清、嘴唇发绀、眼球上吊、牙关紧闭等现象,就更让父母胆战心惊了。这到底是怎么回事,出现这样的情况又该如何处理呢?    一、熱痉挛的高发年龄    幼儿热痉挛一般在高烧24小时内出现,是一种常见的小儿疾病。据统计,100个5岁以下的幼儿,就有3~4个曾有过热痉挛。发作年龄大致在9个月至5岁,第一次发作多在1岁半至2岁。    二、