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詈骂用语因为其不可避免的粗俗、粗鲁的特征从而被视作一种文化禁忌很少被学者涉及,但作为人们日常交流中不可避免的用语行为,它一般源于人最自然最原始的心理反应,因而能够很大程度地反映一个群体的用语习惯和价值取向。本文立足于语用学的理论,通过对比中德两国詈骂方式的不同,分析中德两国詈骂用语选择的影响因素,追溯民族文化、语言特色以及大众传媒的变迁等因素,详细解释了詈骂用语的民族特殊性和时代统一性。 Abusive language is considered as a cultural taboo because it is inevitable vulgar, rude features rarely scholars involved, but as an inevitable language of daily communication, it is generally derived from the most primitive and most primitive psychology Response, which can largely reflect a group of language habits and values. Based on the theory of pragmatics, this article analyzes the influence factors of abusive language selection in China and Germany by comparing the abusive methods between China and Germany, tracing the factors such as national culture, linguistic features and the changes of the mass media, explaining in detail The national specificity of abusive language and the unity of the times.
自打公元前4世纪古希腊“医学之父”希波克拉底发布那段著名的誓言以来,“医生”这个身份就有着其他职业无法比拟的崇高。他们是人,却担负着神的职责;他们常规工作,却时刻游走于救命与害命的钢丝索;他们也有家庭,却不知要将业余时间牺牲到怎样的程度,才算问心无愧。   而“医院”这个工作场所,不仅如《心术》所言,是“信、望、爱最好的体现”,更充斥着悬疑、紧张、复杂的情节、错综的人性与感情,几乎集合了所有吸引