问题在上年 根子通上边 百分之五未超过,农民仍感不堪重负,何故?

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国务院《农民承担费用和劳务管理条例》明确规定,农民负担总额以不超过上年人均纯收入的5%为限。按理说,在纯收入5%以内的负担。农民还是能够承受的。可现实问题是,不少地方这“5%”的界限并未突破,但那里的农民却仍感不堪重负,这是为何?就此,我们进行了一番较为“超脱”的调查,发现——问题,出在上年当5%的“杠杠”限死之后,一个地区的农民负担就完全取决于该地的上年人均纯收入。但如果谁要是看轻了这“上年人均纯收入”的调查统计工作,那可就大错特错了。殊不知,这里面还有很高的“科技”含量,“学问”大得很哩。一日“倒剥皮”。A 村,地处穷乡僻壤,不通公路,没有工厂,村民们一心扑在几百亩耕地上,日出而作,日落而息,日复一日,年复一年。1992年,该村人均纯收入近700元,问其来源,村会计坦言:倒剥皮。就是先将这 The State Council “Peasants Commitment to Costs and Labor Services Regulations” clearly stipulates that the total burden on farmers should not exceed 5% of net income per capita in the previous year. It stands to reason that the burden of less than 5% of net income. Farmers still can afford. The realistic problem is that in many places the boundary of “5%” has not been exceeded. However, peasants there are still overwhelmed. Why? In this connection, we conducted a rather “detached” survey and found that - The problem, after a 5% “leverage” in the previous year, the burden on peasants in a region depends entirely on the per capita net income of the region in the previous year. However, if anyone despised the “statistical per capita net income of the previous year” survey, it would be totally wrong. As everyone knows, there is still a very high “science and technology” content, “learning” is very miles. One day, “Peeling skin.” A village, is located in the backcountry, off the highway, there is no factory, the villagers bent on a few acres of arable land, sunrise and sunset, interest, day after day, year after year. In 1992, the per capita net income of the village was nearly 700 yuan. Asking the source, the village accounting admitted that it was going to strip the skin. This is the first
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