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动态课程关照了学生不断变化的学习需求,长作业给予了学生在真实情境中实践的可能。今天如何帮助学生将他们的学习与未来相连接?我们认为,从“短课程,长作业”入手,为学生提供丰富的学习机会与情景,让学生在自由选择的学习中体验和享受学习的意义,实现更好的自我发展,不啻为一种有价值的尝试。下面,笔者就以本校“媒介素养特色课程”中的短课程《微电影制作》为例,呈现我们的实践与思考。《微电影制作》共分为六课时。第一课时是微电影知识普及,通过教师的讲解,学生实际感知什么是微电影,知晓拍摄微电影 Dynamic courses take care of students’ changing learning needs and long assignments give students the possibility of practicing in real situations. How to help students to connect their study with the future today? We think that starting from “short courses and long assignments”, we provide students with rich learning opportunities and scenarios so that students can experience and enjoy learning in freely chosen learning The meaning of achieving better self-development, not as a valuable attempt. Below, I will take our school “media literacy course ” in the short course “micro-film production” as an example, showing our practice and thinking. “Micro-film production” is divided into six class hours. The first lesson is the popularity of micro-movie knowledge, through the teacher’s explanation, the students actually perceive what is a micro-movie, know the filming of micro-movies