Chronic otitis media, especially cholesteatoma, often causes an incus oblonga loss and must be reconstructed for ossicular chain surgery. If the lesion affects the incus, although the interruption of the chain hearing, and the mallet, tarsal bone is still intact, can be treated with hammer 镫 connection. The method is to complete the mastoid hesitated first, and in accordance with the degree of papillary lesions, the posterior wall of the external auditory canal and the bridge can be removed (open type) or reserved (closed type). If the tympanic membrane is nearly completely absent, remove it together with the drum ring; if it is only small, keep it, and carefully remove the tympanic cavity, especially the granulation tissue around the stapes. Use a fine hook to hook the hammerhead from the upper drum, taking care not to break the hammerbone and tympanic tendon. Press the right ear anti-clockwise, the left ear clockwise rotation of the hammer, and gently pull a few times the hammer head easy to contact with the nipple. Thoroughly clear the upper chamber granulation.