The analysis of the main characters of 10-year-old Masson seed provenance seed orchard in Wushan Forest Farm, Quanjiao County, Anhui Province showed that the average height, DBH and single plant volume of 17 provenances (10 years old) Compared with the provenances, the gains of the provenances were 7.6%, 11.95% and 35.45%, respectively. Compared with the provenances of buried hills, the four provenances in Hunan-Jiangxi hilly region were 10.52%, 16.15% and 50.34%. Compared with the provenances of buried hills, the three provenances in Guizhou Plateau (including Wuling Mountain) had 10.8%, 13.3% and 43.17% of the total biomass, respectively. Strong traits such as crown width and canopy thickness were higher in middle-subtropical provenances than those in northern and northern provenances, while those in northern subtropics (control) provenances were higher than those in middle provenances. By means of analysis of variance, the height, diameter, volume, crown width, canopy thickness and number of cones were significant or highly significant among provenances, with significant or extremely significant differences. Correlation analysis showed that the growth of major traits increased with the decrease of latitude, while the number of cones increased with the increase of latitude, showing a weak to moderate correlation and a continuous gradient.