现代意义的中国民俗学自“五四”时期兴起以来 ,在开始阶段曾对口头语言问题非常重视 ,并开展了不少相关的活动与研究 ,在当时有着特殊的作用与重大的影响。但后来很长的一段时期 ,民俗学领域的语言研究开展得很少。黄涛所著《语言民俗与中国文化》是民俗学领域内对语言民俗进行专业研究的开拓之作 ,在语言民俗学的基本理论和研究方法上做了有益而且较为成功的尝试。
Since the rise of “May 4th” period, modern Chinese folklore has paid great attention to the problem of spoken language at the beginning and carried out many related activities and researches, which at that time had a special function and great influence. But for a long period of time, however, language studies in the field of folklore were carried out very little. Huang Tao’s “Folklore and Chinese Culture” is a pioneering work on the study of language and folklore in the field of folklore. It has done some useful and successful attempts on the basic theories and research methods of language folklore.