据报道,一种并不十分美观但具有一定药用价值的植物——芦荟,近来在我国的长春市很受人们的欢迎,许多人利用自家阳台或窗台的窄小空间,养上几盆。为什么呢?因为他们中的许多人通过亲身实践,发现芦荟不但治疗高血压、动脉硬化、牙周病等效果比较理想,而且还有美发美容抗衰老等作用,有的人甚至认为此药能防治癌症。于是,该市掀起了种养芦荟“热”、吃用芦荟“热”;芦荟,仿佛成了他们心中的“灵丹妙药”。那么,芦荟是否具有如此的“神效”呢?缘何被炒得火热? 芦荟,味极苦,性大寒。中药芦荟,为百合科常绿植物,是芦荟的液汁经
According to reports, aloe, a plant that is not very beautiful but has a certain medicinal value, has recently been welcomed by people in Changchun, China. Many people use their own balcony or window sill to raise a few pots. Why? Because many of them through hands-on practice, found that aloe vera not only treatment of high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, periodontal disease and other effects is more ideal, but also the role of hair and beauty and anti-aging, some people even think that this drug can prevent cancer. As a result, the city set off to raise aloe vera “hot”, eat aloe vera “hot ”; aloe vera, as if they have become their “magnificence ”. So, does Aloe Vera have such a “spiritual effect”? Why is it hot? Aloe Vera is extremely bitter and bitterly cold. Aloe vera, an evergreen plant in the lily family, is the juice of aloe