通俗喜剧的风格我们在等待康·塞·斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基所允诺的讲演时,心头是多么激动呵! 可是在剧院里传开了这样的风声:有的说康斯坦丁·塞尔格维奇将要把他在文学艺术协会时期演过的通俗喜剧演给我们看;另一说,他将参加这个戏的表演,而且演的不是别人,正是西尼其金这个角色! 所有的人都想来参观这次排演,都想及早地享受这种愉快:看康斯坦丁·塞尔格维奇表演通俗喜剧。许多前辈演员都不断向华西里·华西里也维奇询问,为了说明问题,他就去找了斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基。
The style of popular comedy How excited we were when we waited for Célan Stanislavsky’s promise, but it was heard in the theater: Some say Constantine Sergievich We will show us the popular comedy he performed during the Literary and Art Society period; the other said he will attend the show and not the other person, it is the role of Seni King! All of us want to come Visit this rehearsal, want to enjoy this pleasure as early as possible: watching Constantine Sergievich popular comedy show. Many of the senior actors constantly asked Watsonli Huseyinovich for the sake of clarification and went to Stanislavsky.