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:斜坡系统是一个多变的、随机的、具有多种不确定性的复杂系统 ,因此在斜坡稳定性研究中引入可靠性理论意义重大且应用前景广阔。文中从单体斜坡系统和区域斜坡系统两个方面 ,论述了斜坡系统可靠性分析的研究现状和发展趋势。单体斜坡系统可靠性研究的主要方向是 :影响因素与评价模型的进一步研究 ,初步建立可靠指标与安全系数相结合的斜坡稳定性二元指标体系。区域斜坡系统可靠性研究的主要方向是 :利用具有普适意义的可靠性指标 ,结合地理信息系统 (GIS)进行斜坡稳定性研究 ,初步建立风险评价和风险管理的斜坡安全体系 : The slope system is a variable, random and complex system with many uncertainties. Therefore, it is of great significance to introduce the theory of reliability in the study of slope stability and its application prospect is promising. In this paper, the current status and development trend of slope system reliability analysis are discussed from two aspects: single slope system and regional slope system. The main research directions of the reliability of single slope system are: further study of influencing factors and evaluation models, and preliminary establishment of a binary index system of slope stability combining reliability index and safety factor. The main research directions of the reliability of the regional slope system are as follows: Firstly, using the reliability index with universal meaning and the research of slope stability with GIS, the slope safety system of risk assessment and risk management is initially established
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本文着重谈什么叫多倍体,自然界中植物的多倍体是如何形成的,它与远缘杂交有什么关系,以及它在作物育种工作上的用处。 This article focuses on what it means to be polyp
我是1991年调入人民公安报社 的。在来人民公安报工作15年之际, 2005年7月,按照组织安排,我来到了 《人民公安》杂志编辑部,任编辑、记者 兼副主任。见面会上,我对杂志编辑部
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我国远程教育自1998年起步至今,已经有一定的规模了,但是模式和机制与国外有很大差距。 现在,我国远程教育界应当在以下问题上加强探讨: 一,我们本着什么理念在办开放教育?