
来源 :现代人才 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:white2008
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对突发重大事件最初的群体性反应,往往是未经深思熟虑、因而更多地反映出人性中值得注意的本能、本性。面对汹汹群情,是以更激烈、更富于侵略性的东西使之更加狂热,结果酿成大祸,还是冒大不韪使之更为冷静、理性,努力防止,起码是减轻灾难,是对每一位“知识者”的理性和道德的真正考验。 The initial mass reaction to a sudden major incident is often without much thought and thus more reflects the notable instinct and nature of human nature. In the face of the raging public sentiments, it is more fanatical and more aggressive in making it even more fanatical. The result is a catastrophe, or an overstatement to make it more calm and rational, to prevent it, at least to ease the disaster. The true test of rationality and morality for every “intellectual”.