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This paper proposes a thermal analytical model of current gain for bipolar junction transistor-bipolar static induction transistor (BJT-BSIT) compound device in
由丹东电器设备厂研制生产的BC-300 400-1型高效节能晶闸管控制磁饱和式交流弧焊机,于1988年6月通过省机械委的技术投产鉴定,又于1989年7月由辽宁省经委能源处和辽宁省电业
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The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics(SOPO 2009) will be held in Wuhan from August 14~(th) to 16~(th),2009.SOPO 2009 will bring together
The microstructure,tensile properties at 20—950℃ and creep rupture properties at 700-900℃ in a Ni_3Al-Fe based alloy after high temperature deformation have