临夏州档案局于1988年12月13日至22日举办了档案展览.这次展览的目的是:进一步贯彻《档案法》,增强社会的档案意识,争取更多的人了解、认识、关心、支持档案工作;表彰近年来向档案馆捐赠珍贵档案史料的各族各界人士,展出一批他们捐赠的珍贵档案史料,以吸引更多的人捐赠档案;公布一批档案,为编史修志,历史研究和振兴临夏服务;宣布开放一批档案. 这次展览共分六个部分:第一部分展出了党和国家关于档案工作的决定、法规文件以及老一辈无产阶级革命家对档案工作的题词指示等.旨在唤起各级领导、各级机关,单位进一步重视档案工作,作好档案工作,依法治档.第二部分展出临夏1949年8月解放以来,1956年自治州成
Linxia Archives held an archives exhibition from December 13 to December 1988. The purpose of this exhibition is to further implement the “Archives Law”, enhance the awareness of archives in the community and strive for more people to understand, recognize, care for, Support the archives work; In recognition of the donation of precious archival materials to the Archives in recent years, people from all walks of life all walks of life, exhibited a batch of precious archives they donated historical materials to attract more people to donate files; announced a number of archives, Historical research and revitalization of Linxia services; announced the opening of a number of archives .This exhibition is divided into six parts: the first part of the party and state on file work decisions, regulatory documents and the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries inscription on the file Instructions, etc. Aims to arouse leaders at all levels, organs at all levels and units to attach more importance to archives work and make archives work according to law.The second part shows that since the liberation of Linxia in August 1949,