一、电子工业炉窑发展情况的回顾 建国以来,我国电子工业得到了飞速发展,仅以改革开放以来的二十多年为例,工业总产值就增长了40多倍。工业炉窑是电子工业生产的关键设备,是电真空器件、电子陶瓷、磁性材料、电子材料等产品在生产工艺过程中必不可少的加热设备。工业炉窑的技术
First, the review of the development of electronic industrial furnace Since the founding of our country, the electronic industry has been rapid development, only to the reform and opening up more than 20 years, for example, the total industrial output increased by 40 times. Industrial furnace is the key equipment in the electronics industry. It is an indispensable heating equipment in the production process of electric vacuum devices, electronic ceramics, magnetic materials, electronic materials and other products. Industrial furnace technology