大骨节病是一种由较多因素引起的、治病因素尚未阐明的区域性疾病,主要侵害5岁到15岁青少年的关节软骨,最终导致患者关节增粗变形。大骨节病很大程度上受环境的影响,且一旦患上,便很难根治。在此次暑期三下乡活动中,我队以问卷方式从多个方面分别调查了马尔康当地居民对该疾病的重视程度,问卷结果显示,作为该病高发区的马尔康,大多数当地居民对大骨节病重视程度较高。“,”thekaschin-beck disease is akind of regional disease caused by many factors.The cause of it is still unknown.This dis ease mainly harm the articularcartilage of the children from age5to15 and eventuallyleadtoenlargementofdeformationjoints. Kashin-beck is largely influenced by theenvironment, and it is difficult to cure thoroughly oncethepatientshaveit.Inthepro gram of this summer,ourteam from multipleaspectsinvestigated the localpeople ’ s the awareness to this disease by the questionnaire survey,which showed that Barkam,as the high risk area,most of its residents attaches great importance to the disease.