1 病例简介 患者 ,男 ,11岁 ,1小时前在家跑步突然绊倒 ,左眼碰在路边的木棍上 ,致左眼受伤 ,伤后即感疼痛 ,视物模糊。不能闭眼。查体 :全身无异常 ;眼科检查 :视力右眼 1 0 ,左眼光感 ,左眼上下睑缘嵌入眶内 ,眼球向前脱出 ,脱出高度为2 1mm ,眼球各方向活动受限 ,球结膜
1 case profile The patient, male, 11 years old, 1 hour ago running at home suddenly tripped his left eye hit the roadside sticks, causing left eye injury, pain, visual acuity after injury. Can not close your eyes. Eye examination: the whole body no abnormalities; ophthalmology examination: visual acuity right eye 10, light perception of the left eye, upper and lower left eyelid embedded in the orbit, the eye prolapse prolapse, prolapse height of 21mm, the eye movement limited in all directions,