抗日战争时期,燕赵儿女为了民族解放流血牺牲的悲壮故事讲也讲不完。其中不少英雄事迹广为流传,但也有一些至今仍鲜为人知。这里讲述的,就是这样一段故事。 潮白河水系源头赤城县境内有两条河,一条叫白河,一条叫黑河。白河和黑河之间夹着一道南北纵向山脉,其中一段俗称40里长嵯。 1942年,抗日战争进入最困难时期。5月,晋察冀边区为巩固冀东抗日根据地,决定派一批经过培训的干部,经过平北前往冀东,晋察冀
During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the tragic story of the children of Yanzhao who sacrificed their liberation and bloodshed also can not be finished. Many of the heroic deeds are widely circulated, but some are still unknown to this day. Here is a story about it. Chaobai River Source Chicheng County has two rivers, one is called White River, one is called Heihe. Between the White River and the Heihe sandwiched between a longitudinal north-south mountain range, which is commonly referred to as 40 miles long 嵯. In 1942, the war of resistance against Japan entered the most difficult period. In May, in order to consolidate the anti-Japanese base area of Jidong, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region decided to send a cadre of trained cadres to Pingtung to go to Jidong, Jinchaji