一、领导重视病案质量管理工作。随着我国卫生改革的不断深入,医院要实行分级管理,而病案管理显得尤为重要。因为病案质量的好坏直接反应一个医院的医疗质量和医务人员的医疗技术水平,更是医院达标上等的必要软件。院领导充分认识到这一点,并多次召开会议研究讨论病案工作,积极解决所遇到的问题。在保障临床工作情况下,后勤部门也给予了大力支持。 二、抓病案书写质量,从源头把好质量关。我院制定了《住院病案质量标准》和《病案书写规范》下发各科室。对新毕业的住院医帅及来院进修、聘用人员、实习医师加强岗前培训,学习规范化病案书
First, the leadership attaches great importance to the quality of medical records management. With the continuous deepening of China’s health reform, hospitals should implement hierarchical management, and medical record management is particularly important. Because the quality of medical records directly reflect the quality of medical care in a hospital and the medical and technical level of medical staff, it is the hospital necessary standard software. The leadership of the hospital fully realized this and held many meetings to study and discuss the medical record work and actively solve the problems encountered. In the protection of clinical work, the logistics department also gave strong support. Second, grasp the quality of case writing, from the source to the good quality. Our hospital has formulated “quality standards for inpatient medical records” and “medical record writing norms” issued by the departments. The newly graduated medical doctor and to come to hospital training, hiring staff, trainees to strengthen pre-job training, learning standardized medical records