法国影片《冷酷祭奠》讲述了女佣杀害主人一家的故事,无辜的佐治一家四人在观赏电视中的莫扎特歌剧时被曾在他家帮工的苏菲和邮局女职员珍莎用自己的猎枪统统毙命。这一惨剧听来令人发指,现场残忍又血腥,但实际上这桩凶杀案既无目的(如惯常的偷盗或复仇等)又无计划,似乎是在完全不经意的状态下轻易开枪、草率杀人的,而这正是影片的绝妙之处——准确地刻画出了两个女凶手扭曲变形的心理历程。 苏菲是个农村女子,家境太差,
French film “Ruthless Memorial” tells the story of a maid killing the owner of a family, the innocent four people in the George Mozart television viewing in the television when he was working in his hometown Sophie and post office actress Jane with his own shotguns all Killed. This tragedy sounds heinous and cruel and bloody on the scene, but in fact it has no purpose (such as usual theft or vengeance) and no plan, it seems that in a completely casual state easily shot, sloppy Murder, and this is exactly the film’s wonderful - accurately depict the distortion of two female killer psychological process. Sophie is a rural woman, family is too poor,