中华医学会第四次全国妇产科学术会议于1987年10月27日至30日在西安召开,出席的正式代表207名,列席代表243人,特邀代表27人,有关厂家代表30多人。大会共有专题会议总结5篇,论文报告30篇,小会报告80篇,列题目录共283篇。此次会议的重点为高危妊娠及妇产科病理。一、高危妊娠的防治1.在高危妊娠中特别对妊高征的分类和诊断标准、预测及治疗等问题进行了广泛的讨论。代表们认为在流调中将妊高征分为轻、中、先兆子痫、子痫四在临床应类、及所用的诊断标准是合理的,但亦认为用中分类不宜过细。特别提出妊高征合并脑出血时。常伴有脑血管畸形,应早期及时与神经外科医师协作作出诊断和手术治疗,预后较好。关于妊高征的预测,上海新华医院根据病理生理的研究成果提出多项目的预测,他们认为选择孕中期(22~26孕周)平均动脉压≥85mmHg 作为预测对象,进行红细胞压积的测定,提示血液浓缩者在28~30孕周进行翻身试验(ROT),
The Fourth National Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Chinese Medical Association was held in Xi’an from October 27 to October 30, 1987 with 207 formal representatives, 243 delegates, 27 invited delegates and over 30 representatives of manufacturers . The conference has 5 special sessions, 30 papers, 80 small reports, and 283 columns. The meeting focused on high-risk pregnancy and obstetrics and gynecology pathology. First, the prevention and treatment of high-risk pregnancy 1. In high-risk pregnancy, in particular, the classification and diagnosis of pregnancy-induced hypertension criteria, prediction and treatment of a wide range of issues discussed. The deputies believed that it is reasonable to classify the pregnancy-induced hypertension as mild, moderate, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, and the diagnostic criteria used should be reasonable. However, the classification should not be too small. In particular, when pregnancy-induced hypertension combined with cerebral hemorrhage. Often accompanied by cerebrovascular malformations should be early and timely collaboration with neurosurgeons diagnosis and surgical treatment, the prognosis is good. On the prediction of PIH, Shanghai Xinhua Hospital based on the results of pathophysiology proposed a multi-project prediction, they think that the choice of the second trimester (22 to 26 gestational weeks) mean arterial pressure ≥ 85mmHg as predictors of hematocrit determination, Prompted blood concentrators in the 28 to 30 gestational weeks to stand up test (ROT)