近年来,我国互联网金融发展迅速,作为其中起步较晚的P2P借贷(Peer to Peer,即“点对点”网络借贷模式)在兴起后,平台数量和贷款规模更是迅速飙升。根据借贷之家研究院数据显示,2014年1月至8月,我国借贷行业成交量约为1 253.35亿元,目前正在运营的借贷平台约1 357家;业内人士预计到2014年年底,行业全年成交量将达2 500亿元,借贷平台数量或增至1 800家左右。~①与此同时,当前P2P行业具有门槛低、数量多、缺乏金融从业
In recent years, with the rapid development of internet finance in our country, the number of platforms and the scale of loans have risen even more rapidly as the P2P to-peer (Peer to Peer) model started later. According to the data from the Institute of Loans and House, from January to August 2014, the trading volume of China’s lending industry was approximately 125.335 billion yuan, with about 1 357 lending platforms currently in operation. The industry expects that by the end of 2014, Annual trading volume will reach 250 billion yuan, the number of lending platforms or to about 1 800. ~ ① At the same time, the current P2P industry has a low threshold, a large number, the lack of financial practitioners