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微阵列芯片在基因检测等领域有着广泛的应用,制备微阵列芯片的的点样设备可分为接触式和非接触式两种,其中接触式点样需要频繁的清洗点样针头,非接触式点样设备则需要外界气泵或使用复杂的MEMS工艺制作。为了简化生物微阵列芯片制作过程中繁琐的取样、点样、清洗工作和降低点样仪器的成本,研制了一种新型的储液式微液滴点样装置,具有无需清洗、成本低、制作简便的优点。该装置采用压电陶瓷双晶片作为动力驱动,通过双晶片在液体中的振动激发出水击波,传递至喷孔处使喷孔液面发生振动,从而激发出微液滴滴落。研制的储液式微液滴点样装置可以容纳1 mL的液体试剂,可得到体积为1 nL的微液滴,可重复上万次的点样而不需清洗。以储液式微液滴点样装置为基础,进一步制作了点样仪样机。根据实验测量,储液式微液滴点样装置所产生微液滴的直径为200μm,可以满足生物微阵列芯片的制备要求。 Microarray chips are widely used in genetic testing and other fields. The spotting equipment for preparing microarray chips can be divided into two types: contact type and non-contact type. The contact type requires frequent cleaning of the sample needles. The non-contact type Click-through devices require external air pumps or the use of complex MEMS technology. In order to simplify the cumbersome sampling, spotting, cleaning and reducing the cost of spotting equipment during the fabrication of bio-microarray chips, a new liquid-storage micro-droplet spotting device has been developed with no need of cleaning, low cost and easy manufacture The advantages. The device uses a piezoelectric ceramic bimorph as a driving force. The water shock wave is excited by the vibration of the bimorph in the liquid and is transmitted to the jet hole to make the liquid level of the jet hole vibrate, thereby triggering the dripping of the micro liquid drop. Developed storage-type micro-droplet-like device can hold 1 mL of liquid reagent, the volume can be 1 nL of micro-droplets can be repeated thousands of times the spot without cleaning. Based on the liquid-storage micro-droplet-like device, a sample maker was further fabricated. According to the experimental measurement, the diameter of the micro-droplets generated by the storage-type micro-droplet-like device is 200 μm, which can meet the preparation requirements of the biological microarray chip.
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