Patient, male, 35 years old. Due to heart palpitations, chest tightness 1 week treatment. Physical examination: blood pressure 15.5 / 10.4kPa. Heart does not expand, normal heart sounds, no pathological murmur, rhythm when sitting Qi, supine when the law is missing. No abnormal lungs found. X-ray showed normal heart and lung. Two-dimensional echocardiography normal. Electrocardiogram supine position tracing conventional 12 lead, the line in Figure A is a continuous record when lying II lead, sinus P wave, PP interval ranging from short PP and long PP regularly occur, the former 0.82 ~ 0.88 seconds, the latter 1.16 ~ 1.20 seconds. Two short P-P and one long P-P are one cycle, each short cycle is four times of 0.70 ~ 0.74 second, which is equal to the law of equal transmission interval and is 4: 3 atypical Venturi cycle. Electrocardiogram diagnosis of Ⅱ degree atypical Venturi sinoatrial block was 4: 3 conduction. B line is sitting while recording Ⅱ leads, sinus P wave occurs regularly, P-P interval fixed at 0.66 ~ 0.70