Introduction by President——speech at the wine party to celebrate the 100th issue published and award

来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjbme2010
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Friends and comrades, As a communist party member, I have a wish to the Special Zone Economy. An artical, published in People Daily on May 26, said that the main culture of Hongkong is commercial culture. For my study subject is the combination of culture and economy, I want to emphasize the importance of commercial culture here. With this point to see the economy of SEZs, we can find a new horizons. Friends and comrades, As a communist party member, I have a wish to the Special Zone Economy. An artical, published in People Daily on May 26, said that the main culture of Hongkong is commercial culture. For my study subject is the combination of culture and economy, I want to emphasize the importance of commercial culture here. With this point to see the economy of SEZs, we can find a new horizons.
作者等在研究南非曼氏血吸虫病患者粪便中虫卵的寿命时,发现每天孵出的虫卵数逐渐减少,同时呈现一个周期性,于是对虫卵孵化的规律进行了一些观察,结果如下: 1.粪样一次收集
豚鼠角膜结膜试验已广泛用于志贺氏菌及与其类似的埃希氏菌属的毒力试验。曾发现,自重症全身性耶尔森氏菌病分离的0:8血清型小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia enterocolitica)
在腎小体的血管极附近有腎小球旁器官(JuxtagIomerular apparatus)。它包括以下四部份:一、ε細胞(腎小球旁細胞,上皮样細胞),二、致密斑,三、Goormaghtigh氏細胞,四、Be-Ch