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王羲之(303~361年,一作321~379年),字逸少,汉族,东晋时期著名书法家,有“书圣”之称。祖籍琅琊(今属山东临沂),后迁会稽山阴(今浙江绍兴),晚年隐居剡县金庭。历任秘书郎、宁远将军、江州刺史,后为会稽内史,领右将军。其书法兼擅隶、草、楷、行各体,精研体势,心摹手追,广采众长,备精诸体,冶于一炉, Wang Xizhi (303 ~ 361 years, one for 321 ~ 379 years), the word Yi less, the Han, the Eastern Jin Dynasty famous calligrapher, a “book St. ” said. Ancestral home Langya (now a Linyi in Shandong), after the move to Jianyin (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang), seclusion Juxian Jintin in his later years. Former secretary Lang, General Ning Yuan, Jiangzhou provincial governor, after the history of Huiji, collar general. The calligraphy and good at grasping, grass, Kai, all walks of life, researching body posture, heart and hand tracing, wide adoption of the public, prepared for various bodies, in a furnace,
由四个亚基构成的真核生物DNA聚合酶δ(DNA polymeraseδ,Polδ)是染色体DNA复制过程中最主要的复制酶之一,同时,它还通过缺口填补和重新合成DNA的方式,在参与多种形式DNA修复过
  We present adivision of focal plane(DoFP)polarimeter based polarization microscope capable of measuring both the Stokes vector simultaneously and the 4×3 M