中国互联网从一开始就炒作之风盛行,尤其以网站为甚。为提高知名度,各类大小网站炒作招法翻新。满世界竖广告法地铁、公交车身、路牌几乎全成了网站的天下,在所有招法中,此招最正、最传统、也最为费钱,非财大气粗所不能为。免费注册中奖法大小网站均喜此招。大到房子、汽车,小到书籍、CD 之类的,甚至上万元的人民币。至于有没有人得到过汽车、房子之类的大奖,只有天知道。
The Internet in China has prevailed since the very beginning, especially for websites. In order to enhance the popularity of various types of site speculation tactics renovation. Advertising law around the world vertical subway, bus body, street signs almost all the world into the web site, in all the tactics, the trick is the most positive, the most traditional, but also the most expensive, non-wealth of the atmosphere can not. Sign up for free and win the size of the site are like this move. Large houses, cars, small books, CDs, and even tens of thousands of yuan. As for whether anyone has ever won a prize like a car or a house, only God knows.