随着生物技术的发展,转Bt毒素基因的农作物越来越多,甚至已经出现了转Bt毒素基因的水稻。那大家心里就有疑问了,这种转基因的水稻,“虫都不吃,人怎么可以吃呢?” 其实这种逻辑是不存在的。昆虫和人的生理状况不同,能杀死昆虫的,却不一定能危害人体。许多蔬菜、水果
With the development of biotechnology, there are more and more crops turning Bt toxin genes, and even rice that transforms Bt toxin genes has appeared. There is a doubt in mind that all this genetically modified rice, “insects do not eat, how can people eat it?” In fact, this logic does not exist. Insects and humans have different physiological states and can kill insects, but they do not necessarily harm the human body. Many vegetables, fruits