Theoretical study on second-order nonlinear optical properties of 1,10-phenanthroline Ru(Ⅱ) complexe

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinxi_2009
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The dynamic first hyperpolarizabilities of a series of 1,10-phenanthroline Ru(Ⅱ) complexes were carried out using density functional theory(DFT).The results indicate that these complexes have large second-order nonlinear optical(NLO) responses.Specially,complex 6b has a maximal first hyperpolarizability βtot value.The first hyperpolarizabilities can be tuned by changing the ancillary ligand,introducing electron-acceptor group NO2 and/or increasing π-conjugation on phenanthroline.Calculations on absorption spectra demonstrate that the second-order NLO responses of complexes in series a are ascribed to the intraligand charge transfer(ILCT),while the complexes in series b exhibit metal-to-ligand charge transfer(MLCT) and ligand-to-ligand charge transfer(LLCT) transition at relatively low-energy absorptions. The dynamic first hyperpolarizabilities of a series of 1,10-phenanthroline Ru (Ⅱ) complexes were carried out using density functional theory (DFT). The results indicate that these complexes have large second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) responses. Special, complex 6b has a maximal first hyperpolarizability βtot value. The first hyperpolarizabilities can be tuned by changing the ancillary ligand, introducing electron-acceptor group NO2 and / or increasing π-conjugation on phenanthroline. Calculations on absorption spectra demonstrate that the second-order NLO responses of complexes in series a are ascribed to the intraligand charge transfer (ILCT), while the complexes in series b exhibit metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) and ligand-to-ligand charge transfer (LLCT) transition at relatively low-energy absorptions .
患者,女,51岁,住院号267807,因发现左腹股沟肿物半年于 1999年8月25日入院。既往月经规则,末次月经1999年8月9日。半年前无意中发现左腹股沟区有一肿物,如枣样大小,不伴疼痛及其它不适。半年来肿物逐渐增
孕 37~ 4 2周头位初产妇 ,骨盆测量正常范围内 ,会阴条件良好 ,无需要尽快结束分娩的产科并发症和胎儿方面因素 ,产妇无精神性疾病。胎心音良好 ,估计胎儿体重小于 4 kg。 199
患者,32岁,已婚,因停经43d,突发性下腹疼痛伴阴道少量流血2h急症入院,呕吐一次,为胃内容物。G1P1L1,末次产1994年,分娩后6个月置宫内节育环,2个月后月经恢复正常。入院查体:T:36℃,P 90次
目的 :探讨超声诊断脐带绕颈的临床价值。方法 :应用超声检查了单胎头位妊娠妇女92 4例 ,产前诊断脐带绕颈 2 2 5例 ;对比分析脐带绕颈组与无脐带绕颈组的围产儿病率。结果 :
1995年我院共分娩 870例 ,剖宫产 140例 ,剖宫产率 16.1% ;1998年分娩 910例 ,剖宫产 2 16例 ,剖宫产率 2 3.7%。剖宫产指征主要为胎儿宫内窘迫、头盆不称、臀位、前次剖宫产
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