去年,正当姑苏枫叶红似火、秋意浓如酒的时候, 吹来了亚得里亚海上和煦的暖风,意大利电视台《马可·波罗》影片摄制组,来苏州进行友好访问,并将在这个曾为马可·波罗游历、描述过的地方拍摄外景。马可·波罗(1254— 1324)是世界史上著名的意大利旅行家,他的名字与中国结下了不解之缘。一二五四年他诞生在濒临亚得里亚海的威尼斯城,十七岁时跟随他父亲和叔叔,冲破了漫长旅途中的重重艰险困苦,前来中国。他们于一二七五年(元朝至元十二年)五月到达中国元朝的上都觐见元世祖忽必烈,受到了忽必烈的欢迎和盛情款待。他们父子叔侄三人留居中国,“很受尊敬,一切需要无不供给”,并“受了荣耀职衔”。
Last year, while the gypsophila leaves were red like fire and autumn was strong like wine, warm warmth from the Adriatic sea was blown in. The film crew of the Italian television station Marco Polo came to Suzhou for a friendly visit. And in this once Marco Polo traveled, described locations taken outside. Marco Polo (1254-1324) is a famous Italian traveler in world history, and his name is inextricably linked with China. He was born in 1254 in the city of Venice near the Adriatic Sea. At the age of seventeen, he followed his father and uncle and broke through the difficulties and hardships of long journey to come to China. They met Kubla Khan of the Yuan Dynasty on the arrival of the Yuan Dynasty in China in May 2175 (Yuan Dynasty to Yuan 12) and won Kublai’s welcome and hospitality. Their father, son and nephew three stay in China, “very respected, everything needs to be supplied”, and “received a glorious title.”