本刊自元月份创刊以来,得到广大读者的热情支持。广大业界人士踊跃投稿,保证本刊内容的基本质量要求,在此对投稿给我刊的作者表示深深的感谢。 在征稿通知中本刊要求作者不要一稿两投,但在实际稿件处理中发现有一稿两投现象(即一稿同时投向两家期刊,或在一家期刊稿件正常处理期间内又投其他期刊)。由于无法查询,常常会形成一稿两登现象。
Since publication started in January, our magazine has received enthusiastic support from readers. The majority of people in the industry are enthusiastic about posting to ensure the basic quality requirements of our contents. We hereby express our deep gratitude to the authors who submitted them for publication. In the Call for Papers notice, the author asked the authors not to vote for a vote, but in the actual manuscript processing found a phenomenon of two casts (that is, a draft for the two journals at the same time, or in the normal period of a journal and then vote for other periodicals) . Due to inaccessible, often form a draft phenomenon.