针对高速机动飞行器的跟踪应用,对SJ(Singer Jerk)、CSJ(当前统计Jerk)、MCSJ(修正当前统计Jerk)和αJ等4种主要Jerk模型进行了综述。比较了它们的建模假设、设计参数以及实际应用时的限制因素。基于UKF(无迹卡尔曼滤波)算法,分别在单台和2台雷达的测量条件下,在3种滤波参数集设置下,利用各模型对近空高速滑翔飞行器进行了跟踪仿真。飞行器真实飞行轨迹根据简化动力学方程通过四阶龙格库塔数值积分方法得到。仿真结果表明:4种模型都具有很好的初值鲁棒性;在目标弱机动段落,4种模型具有较好的参数鲁棒性;但在强机动段落,SJ、CSJ、MCSJ等3种模型的参数鲁棒性很差,滤波误差发生严重突跳,αJ模型的参数鲁棒性最好。针对高速机动飞行器的跟踪应用,αJ模型的综合性能最优,而MCSJ模型最差。
For the tracking applications of high-speed maneuvering vehicles, four major Jerk models, SJ (Jerk), CSJ (Current Statistics Jerk), MCSJ (Modified Current Statistics Jerk) and αJ, are reviewed. Compared their modeling assumptions, design parameters, and practical constraints. Based on the UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter) algorithm, the model is used to simulate the near-space and high-speed gliding aircraft under the conditions of single and 2 radar measurements under the setting of three filtering parameter sets respectively. The true trajectory of the aircraft is obtained by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta numerical integration method based on simplified kinetic equations. The simulation results show that all the four models have very good initial robustness. In the weak moving section of the target, the four models have better robustness of parameters. However, in the strong maneuvering section, three models of SJ, CSJ and MCSJ The robustness of the model parameters is very poor, the filter error is a serious kurtosis, αJ model parameters of the best robustness. For the tracking applications of high-speed maneuvering vehicles, the αJ model has the best overall performance and the MCSJ model is the worst.