从人本主义的视角提出可持续发展的本质是人的发展。运用文献资料和逻辑分析的方法系统论述了终身教育与学习化社会对人的可持续发展的要求 ,具体分析了在人的可持续发展中学校体育的作用与价值。分析认为 ,可持续发展不仅是一个国家、地区或事业的发展 ,其本质是决定生产力发展最活跃因素 ,人的发展 ,人的可持续发展是终身教育与学习化社会的必然选择。在实现人的可持续发展中学校体育有独特的作用与价值
From the perspective of humanism, the essence of sustainable development is human development. The author systematically expounds the requirements of lifelong education and learning society for people’s sustainable development by using the method of literature and logic analysis, and analyzes the role and value of school physical education in the sustainable development of people. According to the analysis, sustainable development is not only the development of a country, region or enterprise, but its essence is to determine the most active factor in the development of productive forces. Human development and sustainable human development are the inevitable choices of lifelong education and learning society. School physical education has a unique role and value in realizing people’s sustainable development