人员难集中、经费难筹措、活动难开展是国防后备力量建设中长期存在的老大难问题。我部从狠抓全民国防教育入手,在实践中不断探索、研究、改进工作作风,注重抓关键、抓骨干、抓基层,收到了良好的效果。 抓关键,提高对全民国防教育的再认识。我部通过对全市二十四个乡镇及部分机关、厂矿、企事业单位问卷调查得出:国防观念普遍淡薄。人武部“一班人”从多年的民兵预备役工作实践中体会到:保证国防知
Difficulties in the concentration of personnel, hard financing, activity is difficult to carry out the development of national defense reserve forces in the long-standing problem of chronic disaster. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications started with paying great attention to national defense education and continuously explored, studied and improved its work style in practice. It paid attention to grasping the key points, grasping the backbone and grasping grassroots units and received good results. Grasp the key points and raise the awareness of national defense education. Through the questionnaire survey conducted by 24 townships and towns, some factories, factories and mines, enterprises and institutions in our city, I got the conclusion: the concept of national defense is generally weak. People’s Armed Forces, “a group of people” learned from many years of militia reserve work practice: to ensure that national defense knowledge