红枫湖位于北纬26°31’—31°34’和东经106°24—106°43’之间,是云贵高原乌江支流猫跳河上的一个人工河道深水水库,其东西宽约9 km,南北长约16 km,面积57.2 km,最大水深45 m.红枫湖是贵阳市的主要水源地之一,占贵阳市饮用水总量的一半.近年来,为保障红枫湖水质,流域上游地区加大了水环境保护力度,红枫湖水质有明显改善.但在贵州
Located between latitude 26 ° 31’-31 ° 34’N and longitude 106 ° 24-106 ° 43’E, Hongfeng Lake is an artificial channel deepwater reservoir on the Maotiao River, a tributary of the Wujiang River in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Its east-west width is 9 km and its north and south About 16 km, an area of 57.2 km, the maximum depth of 45 m. Hongfeng Lake is one of the major water sources in Guiyang, accounting for half of the total drinking water in Guiyang City. In recent years, in order to protect Hongfeng Lake water quality, the upper reaches of the basin Increased water environmental protection efforts, Hongfeng Lake water quality has improved significantly, but in Guizhou