左束支传导阻滞( LBBB)是临床常见的心电图异常表现,它通常伴随器质性心脏病出现。从第一次发现心电图异常到深入认识其本质经历了漫长的过程。心脏电活动不同步导致机械收缩不同步,最终可能导致心脏扩大。与通常被认为是“良性”的右束支传导阻滞相反,LBBB可能是潜在心肌病的早期表现,是预后欠佳的标志,需要人们深入研究。“,”Left bundle-branch block(LBBB) is a very common abnormal performance of electrocardio-gram in clinical practice.It has experienced a long process from the first discovery of abnormal ECG to a deep understanding of its nature. Unsynchronized cardiac electrical activity results in unsynchronized mechanical contraction,and may eventually lead to cardiac expansion.It is generally associated with a poorer prognosis in comparison to right bundle branch block.LBBB may be the first manifestation of a more diffuse myocardial disease,which needs further research.