My county is very complex terrain, the northern mountains, the low lying in the south, the middle is a fertile plains. The total area of 1,352.5 square kilometers, of which 541 square kilometers mountain, plain 475.17 square kilometers, depression 336.23 square kilometers, the territory of 12 rivers and streams. In the early days of the liberation, traffic in our county was very inconvenient. There were only two semi-rugged roads in Beijing, namely Jingyu, Bangxi and Thistle, up to 105 kilometers in length. The four main railroad cars were 65.5 kilometers in length and two The main mountain lanes and pedestrians 55.5 km. In addition to these routes Jingyu, Bangxi two barely accessible cars, the other can only pass carts, pigs or pedestrians. However, because of the complicated terrain, more rivers, different soil types,