1)果园选址。尽量选择背风向阳的平川地、梯田地、缓坡地,土质以壤土(黄绵土)或沙壤土为宜。2)品种选择。主栽品种以中、早熟品种为主,可选长富2号、寒富、玉华早富、红将军等,授粉品种可选嘎拉系品种。3)定植密度。株行距1.5 m×5 m(矮化砧木)、3 m×7 m(乔化砧木),宽行距便于机械化作业。4)土地整理。(1)开沟。根据实地规划,按5 m行距开挖80 cm×80 cm的沟带,表土和底土分开堆放。(2)施肥。亩施有机肥(羊粪)3 m~3+三元复合缓释肥(15-15-15)50 kg。将所有肥料均匀撒在开挖出的表土上,与表土混合后回填。(3)回填。将挖出的粪土回填
1) Orchard site selection. Try to choose sunny levee Hirakawa, terraced fields, gentle slopes, soil with loam (loamy soil) or sandy loam is appropriate. 2) Variety selection. Main cultivars to medium and early varieties, mainly Chang Fu 2, Han Fu, Yuhua early Fu, red generals, pollination varieties optional galaxies varieties. 3) planting density. Plant spacing of 1.5 m × 5 m (dwarfing stock), 3 m × 7 m (Qiao of stock), wide spacing for mechanized operations. 4) Land consolidation. (1) ditching. According to the field planning, excavate a trench of 80 cm × 80 cm at a distance of 5 m and separate the topsoil and subsoil. (2) fertilization. Mushi organic fertilizer (sheep manure) 3 m ~ 3 + ternary compound slow-release fertilizer (15-15-15) 50 kg. Sprinkle all the fertilizer evenly on the topsoil excavated and mixed with the topsoil and backfill. (3) backfill. Dredged earth will be backfilled