松江,上海历史文化的发祥地。松 江区位于上海市西南,黄浦江上游,面积605 平方公里,户籍人口50万。松江是上海市“十五”发展计划中,市郊“一城九镇”建设的示范新城。最近几年,松江区科技工作在区委、区府的正确领导下取得了突破性的进展,许多方面工作都居全市前列。
Songjiang, the birthplace of Shanghai's history and culture. Songjiang District is located in the southwest of Shanghai, the upper reaches of the Huangpu River, an area of 605 square kilometers, household population of 500,000. Songjiang is a demonstration city in Shanghai's “Tenth Five-year Plan” for the construction of “one city, nine towns” in the suburbs. In recent years, the scientific and technological work in Songjiang District has made breakthrough progress under the correct leadership of the district party committee and district government, and many aspects of the work have taken the forefront in the city.