沪州市地处云、贵、川、渝四省市的结合部,西部开发出海通道G321线由北向南在这里与长江由西向东形成十字交叉,是蜀中盆地向南陆运、向东水运的出海门户,自古就是我国西南商埠重镇。 长期以来,由于市区未有绕城通道,水路、公路、铁路、航空4种立体交通与城市交通相互交织。东面毗邻贵州省的赤水经佛赤路、习水经合习路,重庆的江津、壁山经合渝路由东向西进入高速路均要穿城而过,要到泸州集装箱码头下长江的物资,来到集装箱码头对岸却要绕行70多公里才能到达;而西面的自贡经泸自路,
Huzhou City is located at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing provinces. The G321 line of the western channel developed from north to south is crossed with the Yangtze River from west to east here. The sea portal, since ancient times is China’s southwest commercial port town. For a long time, there are no round-the-city thoroughfares in the urban area, and the four kinds of three-dimensional traffic of waterways, highways, railways and airways are intertwined with the urban traffic. East of Guizhou Province Chishui by Buddha Chek Road, Xi Shui Jing He Xi Road, Chongqing Jiangjin, Bishan Yuhe Road from east to west into the high-speed road have to wear through the city, to the Luzhou Container Terminal under the Yangtze River Materials, came to the other side of the container terminal but to bypass more than 70 kilometers to reach; the Zigong west by Lu from the road,