
来源 :中华艺术论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lily1988122
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胡春华(1965—),女,出生于上海一个教师家庭。胡春华3岁跟随父亲从上海来到云南东川支援边疆建设。5岁时,她看《天仙配》入了迷,几遍之后,便能够操着童音,绘声绘色地唱完全部唱段;10岁时,看《红色娘子军》,又迷上了芭蕾舞,无论是女主角吴 Hu Chunhua (1965-), a girl, was born in Shanghai as a teacher’s family. Hu Chunhua, 3, followed his father from Shanghai to Dongchuan, Yunnan, to support the construction of the frontier. When she was 5 years old, she watched “The Match of the Immortals” into the fascination. After several times, she was able to practice the sound of children’s voices and sing the complete airs with her singing. When she was 10, she watched “The Red Detachment of Women” and fell in love with the ballet, Actress Wu