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许渊冲先生的翻译理论是中国文化,特别是汉字文化孕育出来的,具有很强中国意蕴的理论体系,在翻译领域为中西文化的交流开拓出了一片新天地。许渊冲先生的“三美”论就是在汉字形音意三位一体表意方式的直接启发下形成的。在《文学与翻译·三美·三化·三之》一文中,许渊冲先生是这样定义“三美”论的:“‘三美’之说, Mr. Xu Yuanchong’s translation theory is a theoretical system that has been nurtured by Chinese culture, especially Chinese culture, and has a strong Chinese connotation, opening up a new world for the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures in the field of translation. Mr. Xu Yuanchong’s ”Three Beauties“ theory was formed under the direct inspiration of the trilogy of Chinese phonetics and phonetic meaning. In his article ”Literature and Translation · Three Beauties, Three · Three · Three,“ Mr. Xu Yuanchong defined the concept of ”three beauties" as follows: