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灾害是人类社会一个永久性的治理难题。在过去的20年里,全球自然灾害的发生数量增加了3倍多,每年受到灾害影响的人数超过2亿。中国是世界上遭受灾害影响最严重的国家之一,据统计,中国平均每年约有3亿人次以及70%的城市地区受到各类自然灾害的影响。可以说,我们甚至已经步入了一个“灾害社会”。然而,遗憾的是,人们对灾害的认知和研究却并不是那么令人满意,尤其是在社会科学研究方面更是如此。今年适值唐山大地震40周年,我们特别从跨学科角度选取了三篇专门研究地震灾害的论文。其中,文军和吴越菲的论文从专业社会工作服务出发,以云南鲁甸地震灾区社会工作服务为例,阐述了“社区为本”的灾害社会工作服务及其在中国本土的实践过程,归纳和总结了专业社会工作服务在促进灾后社区恢复重建方面的基本经验。张曦的论文从人类学视角出发,通过对汶川大地震经历者对灾害记忆的人类学叙事,揭示了灾害构建过程中独特的记忆机制。王晓葵的论文也聚焦在灾害记忆这一议题,但他的文章更多地是从民俗学的角度出发,把灾害记忆的建构看作为灾区文化重建的一个重要组成部分,通过对海原大地震和唐山大地震这两个分别发生在一个世纪和40年前的巨大灾害的民俗学考察,揭示了时空差异背景下国家权力和地域文化传统的博弈过程。三篇论文从不同的角度出发,为灾害社会学的跨学科研究提供了思想火花,希望能够由此点亮灾害社会学研究之路,也衷心地期待有更多的社会科学研究者加入到对灾害的研究行列之中。 Disasters are a permanent governance problem in human society. Over the past two decades, the number of natural disasters in the world has more than tripled, with more than 200 million people affected by disasters each year. China is one of the hardest hit by the disaster in the world. According to statistics, on average about 300 million people in China and 70% of urban areas are affected by various types of natural disasters. It can be said that we have even stepped into a “disaster society.” Unfortunately, however, people’s perceptions and research on disasters are less satisfying, especially in the social sciences. This year coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake, we selected three papers devoted to earthquake disasters, especially from an interdisciplinary perspective. Among them, the papers by Wen Jun and Wu Yuefei set out from professional social work services. Taking the social work service in the disaster area of ​​Ludian, Yunnan as an example, this paper elaborates on the “community-based” disaster social work service and its practice in China , Summarized and summarized the basic experiences of professional social work services in promoting the recovery and reconstruction of post-disaster communities. From the perspective of anthropology, Zhang Xi’s essay reveals the unique memory mechanism in the process of disaster reconstruction through the anthropological narration of disaster memory by the experience of Wenchuan Earthquake. Wang’s thesis is also focused on the subject of disaster memory, but his articles are more from the perspective of folklore, the construction of disaster memory as an important part of cultural reconstruction of disaster areas, through the Haiyuan earthquake and Tangshan The two major earthquakes occurred in a century and 40 years ago, a huge calamity survey of folklore, revealing the background of the state power and regional culture under the background of traditional game process. From different perspectives, the three essays provide a spark for interdisciplinary research in disaster sociology, hoping to illuminate the road to disaster sociology research and also sincerely expecting more social science researchers to join Disaster research ranks.
这一辈子,不管自己身居何处,潜意识里,只有回到乡下的那幢老屋才叫回家。  我家的老屋,是傍山而建的一幢普通农舍,土墙青瓦,杉木门窗。靠西头的几间,至今还盖着稻草,山风吹过,弥散着一股淡淡的草屑味。岁月的磨蚀无情。如今老屋的鱼鳞瓦沟里长满青苔,黄泥墙壁粉尘脱落,两扇略显笨重的大门也是油漆斑驳,绽开一条条深深浅浅的裂缝,好似老人额头遍布的皱纹。只有台阶上那一对用青砖垒砌的方柱,还牢牢顶住屋檐下的横梁,