在人类步入信息社会的今天,网络技术的发展突飞猛进,随着电信业务的不断拓展和通信网结构的不断变化,广大用户对网络速度的要求越来越高,从而促使各种各样的接入网技术不断涌现,如非对称用户环路(ADSL)、光纤到路边(FTTC)、光纤到用户大楼(FTTB)、光纤到用户(FTTH)、光纤/同轴电缆混合方式(HFC)和无线接入等。由于我国拥有世界第一大有线电视网,因此基于有线电视网的HFC 接入网技术在我国具有典型的现实意义和广阔的发展前景,并逐渐引起业内人士越来越多的关注。
Nowadays, when human beings enter the information society, the development of network technology is by leaps and bounds. With the constant development of telecom business and the ever-changing communication network structure, the demand of users on the network speed is getting higher and higher, prompting a variety of connections Incoming technologies such as Asymmetric Subscriber Loop (ADSL), FTTH, FTTB, FTTH, HFC and fiber-to-the- Wireless access. As China has the world’s largest cable television network, so based on cable television network HFC access network technology in our country has the typical practical significance and broad prospects for development, and gradually attracted more and more attention in the industry.