我的这个发言是世界史所六位同志共同商议的,发言稿是三位同志共同执笔的。 一、巴黎公社具有伟大的历史和现实意义 巴黎公社是“把人类从阶级社会中永远解放出来的伟大社会革命的曙光”。它是人类历史上建立的代表劳动人民利益的新型无产阶级国家政权的雏型,是打碎和摧毁旧的国家机器、建立无产阶级专政的尝试。在短短的两个多月中,它破天荒确立了无产阶级统治的新秩序,实行了代表最广大人民利益的民主制,提出了废除剥削、消灭阶级的无产阶级人权即“人类解放”的根本要求,采取了一些带有社会主义倾向的措施,坚持了无产阶级国际主义等等。巴黎公社为世界无产阶级革命运动开辟了新的前景,对当时欧美和世界国际共产主义运动具有深远的影响。从一定意义上说,伟大的十月革命和中国革命,也是继承、发展了
My speech is co-negotiated by six comrades in the history of the world. The speech was co-authored by three comrades. I. The Paris Commune Has Great Historical and Practical Significance The Paris Commune is the “dawn of a great social revolution that liberates mankind forever from class society.” It is the prototype of the new proletarian state power established in the history of mankind to represent the interests of the working people and an attempt to smash and destroy the old state apparatus and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. In a matter of two months and more it established an unprecedented new order of proletarian rule and implemented a democratic system that represented the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. It proposed that the abolition of the class must abolish the human rights of the proletariat, that is, the foundation of “human emancipation.” They demanded that some measures with a propensity for socialism be adopted and that proletarian internationalism should be adhered to. The Paris Commune opened up new prospects for the proletarian revolutionary movement in the world and had a profound influence on the international communist movement in Europe, the United States and the world at that time. In a certain sense, the great October Revolution and the Chinese revolution are also inherited and developed